Thursday, November 12, 2009

the Les and Alison Groces

As their time back in the States rapidly comes to a close, here is a post dedicated to them: Les, Alison, Marea, Joshua, Hannes, and Titus. We've enjoyed lots of sweet time with them since they arrived in August. For me, meeting them was a huge step in becoming a Groce, and I am even more in love with my husband's family for having them a part of it. These photos were taken one autumn afternoon when i nipped over for some play time and later found ourselves still there for dinner and bedtime stories...

Joshua, Alison, and Hannes.

Marea wrastlin' with Rue. I think Rue was actually exhausted at the end of our play time.

Titus chasing Alison around with a huge stick.

Dad's home!

Hannes decided that I should sit in his lap for the rest of our story time. And, boy, is he an animated story-teller:

Bed-time hugs.

We'll miss our family. All the kids will be so big the next time we see them! We might even have kids! Luke and I have really savored this season with Les, Alison, and Co. They've stepped in with the rest of the family in helping us make big decisions, dream about the future, and find contentment where we are right now. We've listened to great stories, read countless books, feasted on glorious gourmet meals (courtesy of Chef Les and Chef Luke - though some credit should go to the Ebelskiver for being an amazing addition to any home), and stayed out until 2 am laughing and talking.

Thanksgiving with the Groces is next and you know there's bound to be some killer food and photos. Until then,

1 comment:

deebsquad said...

get off of the kids lap, totally ridiculous.